Be At Ease
By: Lisa Templeton, Ph.D.
Published in February 2020 Luminous Wisdom: SOPHIA
To be at ease is to be relaxed, centered, in flow, and calm even in the midst of difficult situations. Life is not easy, but if we bring an energy of ease to each moment, we can find a lightness that offers support. This is easier said than done. It takes constant practice to reset one’s energy. We must remember that the universe supports each and every one of us. When I know I am supported, ease comes more readily.
To be at ease does not mean that everything is going our way and falling into place just as expected. To be at ease means that even when things are not going as planned, there is an effortlessness to our step and a knowing that all will be okay no matter what. The universe works with a balance of constriction and expansion. It’s much easier to be at ease when we feel expanded and all is going well. When constriction hits, the practice becomes more difficult.
There are two stated definitions of ease: 1) to make something unpleasant, painful, or intense less serious or severe; and 2) to move carefully, gradually, or gently. Being at ease actually requires both definitions in order to work. We must move with gentle intention and mindful compassionate awareness while remembering to drop resistance that arises in certain situations. When we resist, we automatically make an unpleasant situation more severe.
Yet, because we are human, we resist the unpleasant, painful, and intense experiences. Can you be aware of your resistance? In my own practice, I notice resistance often. Yet, once I become mindfully aware that it’s there, I can then be kinder with myself in order to drop the resistance and move forward with more ease. Ease is not something that comes automatically, it is something we must practice in a world full of unease.
Take a deep breath right here in this moment. Let the tension in your body go and recognize that this heaviness does nothing to protect or prepare you for difficult situations. Instead, it only adds another layer of pain. As you consciously release tension in your body, notice how you feel.
The more you bring an attitude of ease into your life, the more opportunity you may find to identify the gems in each difficult experience. When my car broke down, I met a person who was helpful and kind; when a nasty cold hit for the holidays, I learned patience and compassion for myself; when my energy level wanes, I slow down and practice not associating my worth with performance.
We have a choice in every moment to bring the energy of ease into our existence. Practice noticing both expansive and constricting moments and bring ease to both, living in gratitude for this mindset. The more ease we have, the easier life becomes.