“The terms transference and countertransference, originally coined by Sigmund Freud in the 1890’s, have yet to be fully understood in the field of psychology, much less our society, but can function as an important tool in comprehending relational dynamics. Many of these dynamics are not consciously considered, but are deeply felt in the world right now. With more understanding of what is within, we can now learn the subtle and mindful ways of all relating as one.”

-Dr. Lisa Templeton, Ph.D., an excerpt from her anticipated second book, to be released in 2024, Relationships in Rhythm.

Managing Countertransference and Owning Our Own: Using the body, mind, and spirit as a powerful assessment tool

An In-Person Interactive Seminar for Therapists and Healers

Saturday, October 21st, 2023, 10am-1pm

The Interpersonal Healing Center

1006 Depot Hill Rd., Ste E,

Broomfield, Colorado 80020

Cost - $125 which includes breakfast, coffee, and tea

Dr. Lisa's countertransference seminar is a class to aid therapists of all education levels, as well as spiritual healers, to look at their own inner workings as a human being and how to use these signals as an assessment tool. In this workshop you will learn:

1) The history of transference and countertransference.

2) Different ways these terms may manifest and signs to be aware of.

3) Mindful techniques to discern between yourself and others energies.

4) How to care deeply for yourself in the midst of difficult therapeutic and relational dynamics.

5) Strategies to address stagnation in therapy and ways to bring more dynamics into conscious awareness creating more intertransference.

If you are a therapist or health care professional, please check out this amazing seminar to help therapists and healers alike to practice "owning our own shit."

Learn more about Countertransference and Dr. Lisa’s term Intertransference ➣

This is a loving, healing, and non-judgmental environment that allows for teaching and learning about transference and countertransference issues, as well as applying this knowledge to current cases and understanding what we as clinicians, healers, leaders, and/or health professionals are bringing to each session with each individual.

If you are interested in participating, please sign up here:

You can also contact Dr. Lisa directly at drlisatempleton@yahoo.com