Nine Mindful Self-Care Behaviors to Practice While in Isolation

Take time to care for yourselves and each other.

Here are a list of self-care behaviors to consider practicing while staying in isolation:

1) Practice moving around every day in some capacity. Take walks staying at least 6 feet from others. Set up a home gym and stream some home workouts and yoga programs.

2) Stay mindful and try to minimize your news and social media intake. Try to stay within no more than 30 minutes a day.

3) Take supplements that help with immunity including Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and Selenium.

4) Try to keep your sugar and carb intake to a minimum. It’s easy to want comfort food in a time like this. Balance this out with nutritious fruits and vegetables – try for 80% healthy.

5) Take time to be alone and slow down – practice some guided meditation or just focus on the moment and breathe for a couple of minutes. Don’t try to do anything, just be.

6) Practice deep breathing in every moment. Exhale for twice as long as you inhale for a few breaths. This helps to increase the parasympathetic nervous system that calms the system and helps us ground.

7) Do something creative – activate the creative part of your brain by trying a new form of art.

8) Listen to some music, look at some art, or read a book. There are thousands of books online. Also, many museums are now putting their exhibits online.

9) Remember your resiliency. We are very resourceful and there are many people working to help during this crisis. We will get through this.