Cocooning For Change: The 10 C's to building transformation

We are all in such different places during this crisis; some are sheltering at home working, some are out of work, and some are working everyday on the frontlines at our hospitals, food banks, grocery stores, and farms. Regardless of whether you are at home or out in the world, we are all in a place of going within and trying to understand this pandemic and the best and most logical ways to move forward. Here are 10 C’s we are building upon for transformation as a nation, as a world, and as a species:

1) Compassion – Many are realizing just how important empathy and understanding each other really is. We are learning to offer ourselves more love and support while giving it to others. This pandemic is helping us to understand all perspectives from which a person may be experiencing our situation.

2) Care – Many are caring for others intensely right now and giving the shirt off their backs to make sure families don’t go hungry and we are all cared for. With the threat of this virus and its potential impact on our bodies, this is an opportunity to take extra special good care of yourself and everyone around you. We are all the same and every single life matters.

3) Communication – This situation is forcing us to express ourselves in more authentic and open ways. Talk to people you trust who care and express yourself. Also, this is a difficult situation so consider how you are dialoguing with yourself. Ask yourself, “What do I need?” Share your needs with others and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

4) Creativity – We are in a unique situation where we can’t plan our future. Instead of planning, this is the time to dream, to inspire each other, and use our imaginations like never before. Einstein stated that "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

5) Curiosity – Our awe for life and each moment begins to grow. We can begin to get more curious about ourselves and how we think, feel, and behave. The more curious we are, the less judgment we cast. One cannot be curious and judgmental at the same time.

6) Contemplation – This is the time for us to think more deeply about ourselves, our lives, and our relationships. Ask yourself if you have lived and loved as much as you possibly can. What more would you like to do with your life? When we go within, we find more clarity, truth, and understanding.

7) Courage – We are much more vulnerable given the crisis, both individually and socially. To be vulnerable is to be courageous and vice versa. Brene Brown stated that, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.

8) Confidence – In meeting the challenge of this experience, we learn what we are made of and we build strength and resiliency the likes of which we didn’t know we were capable. This in turn builds more self-trust and belief in self and society.

9) Community/Collaboration – There is oneness between us all that we have forgotten. When we remember, we find a world helping each other and collaborating together in unity instead of divisiveness. We learn that the world runs on kindness and love for each other.

10) Connection – How we connect with each other will evolve. Without as much physical touch, we begin to notice the subtle energetic and emotional ways we have been connecting the whole time, under the radar of our consciousness. With this awareness comes an evolution of understanding about the interconnection of everyone and everything in the universe.